Case Study:
Clinical Trial Study Results Overview
Client Profile:
A leading personalized medicine company, with over 25 years of experience, offering 14 commercialized diagnostic products globally.
Prolaris – Predicting prostate cancer aggressiveness and disease progression
Healthcare Professionals
Myriad wanted to expand the reach of this important clinical trial study results traditional marketing tactics. These usually include medical conference posters, presentations, and press releases. They also wanted to increase comprehension of the highlighted data.
A video was created, which leveraged the voice and authority of the primary investigator as he takes the audience through the clinical trial study results. Visuals from the study poster were used to highlight the key findings. The audio was recorded in the comfort of the lead investigator’s office, which made it easy for the investigator to record while keeping video production costs to a minimum.
Video Goals:
Expand awareness, comprehension, and validation of key clinical trial study results, and increase adoption for the Prolaris test.
Placed on the website, shared with conference attendees, and shared by sales team via email.
Drove considerable awareness of this validation study among physicians.